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Invisible Braces in Hitchin

Your local experts in smile restoration, cosmetic dentistry & invisible braces.

From only


per month

OR £3,000

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Restore your smile, regain your confidence and feel like you again

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I’m looking for more information on Invisible Braces

Invisible braces, or clear aligners, provide a discreet way to straighten teeth. They use custom-made clear aligners that are nearly invisible when worn.

The process involves an initial consultation and examination with an orthodontist, who creates a personalized treatment plan. Clear aligners are designed to gradually shift teeth over time.

Invisible braces are removable, comfortable, and versatile, addressing orthodontic issues. Compliance with wear and regular check-ups are vital for success, making them a discreet option for a straighter, healthier smile.

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Your Invisible Braces treatment in 5 easy steps

We aim to make your journey with us as simple and convenient as possible whilst delivering an unbeatable experience and service.

1 Hour Consultation

Preliminary Treatment

Smile Design and Teeth Preperation

Invisible Braces Fit

Aftercare and Maintenance

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Transparent pricing with no nasty surprises

Treatment Price Price per month Appointments Sedation available Number of Arches 0% finance
Single Arch £3,000 £56 4/8 Yes 1
Multiple Arches £5,000 £90 8/12 Yes 2

The Benefits of Invisible Braces

Invisible braces offer a range of compelling advantages that extend well beyond just straightening your teeth. Their discreet appearance blends seamlessly with your smile, enhancing your self-confidence and self-esteem.
You can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions, as invisible braces provide stability while being removable.
They work by gradually shifting your teeth into the desired position, preserving your facial structure and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting. With proper care and compliance, invisible braces offer a durable and convenient orthodontic solution, often achieving a straighter, healthier smile.

  • Discreet Appearance: Invisible braces are virtually invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth without the noticeable appearance of traditional braces.
  • No Dietary Restrictions: Unlike traditional braces, invisible braces allow you to eat your favorite foods without worrying about damage to wires or brackets.
  • Improved Oral Hygiene: Because they are removable, invisible braces make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, reducing the risk of dental problems during treatment.
  • Less Impact on Lifestyle: Invisible braces allow you to continue your daily activities without significant disruption, making them suitable for busy individuals.

A Personal and Caring Approach

In the world of invisible braces, a pain-free journey is now a reality. Our practice, leading this transformation, embodies a caring, personalized, and gentle approach that caters to even the most anxious patients.

We prioritize your comfort by utilizing local anesthesia and state-of-the-art techniques, ensuring minimal discomfort during procedures. Our dedicated team fosters a relaxed and trusting environment to address any concerns you may have.

With a wealth of experience in managing patients with orthodontic anxiety, we excel at creating a soothing atmosphere that guarantees your emotional ease throughout your invisible braces journey. Our commitment extends beyond clinical excellence; it encompasses compassionate support, ensuring your peace of mind. Pain-free orthodontic treatment is not just an idea here – it's a tangible result of our legacy of care and empathy.

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Some Customer Testimonials

08/08/2023 via Google

“My son referred me to this clinic as he's known Dr Harps for a few years. What can I say, the knowledge Dr Harps has is truly admirable. Professional and friendly staff. Phenomenal customer service. Thank you to everyone! Best decision I've made 👌”

10/08/2023 via Google

“I never leave reviews but the experience I have had with Dr Harps was amazing. Being a nervous patient Dr Harps put me at ease and explained everything so well. Will highly recommend for any implant work. The clinic has parking at the back and its super clean. All the staff are super friendly!!! Would recommend to all family and friends!”

20/12/2022 via Google

“I've been using Old Park dental surgery in Hitchin for a number of years now and as someone who really doesn't like the dentist I can attest to their care and attention to their patients. I had my first tooth extraction 2 days ago and had been feeling extremely nervous, especially as it was being done with a local (in order to have it done faster). Dr Singh was great, it was my first time seeing him as I normally see his partner (who is also fantastic). Was patient, answered all my nervous questions and the process was done swiftly and pain free. Can't thank them all enough.”

What our patients ask about dental Implants

Got one more? Contact us now or book in for a consultation and and we will be happy to assist.

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Invisible braces, like Invisalign, are orthodontic devices made of clear, nearly transparent materials that help straighten teeth discreetly.

Invisible braces use a series of custom-made aligners to gently shift teeth into their desired positions over time.

While not completely invisible, they are highly discreet and far less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Invisible braces can address various orthodontic issues, but their suitability depends on individual cases. Consultation with an orthodontist helps determine if they are the right choice for you.

Treatment duration varies depending on the complexity of the case but usually spans from several months to a few years.

To achieve optimal results, it's recommended to wear them for at least 20-22 hours a day. They should only be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.